Turbo Updates Now Live

Hey guys,

We have actually released this feature although it’s not marketed in the app yet.

All Emma Pro users are getting 4 updates a day on their connections. This is the max we can do by law.

I was wondering if you noted any differences? :pray::smiley:


What do standard users get?

I think (guess) by looking at the Bank Logins page, that it’s twice a day.

Standard is about 1.5.

Updating more then twice becomes a bit difficult at scale. :slight_smile:

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I’ve absolutely noticed a difference! Every time I’ve been in recently my balances are up to date without needing a manual refresh, and now I know why. Thanks for the change :blush:

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No problem!

I think you should always see last updated 5 hours ago.

That’s about 4 times a day. :slight_smile:

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I still only get updates once a day. Does the turbo feature not apply to everyone? I’m a pro user.

All the pro users are getting 4 automatic syncs a day.

In the UK, these are directly with the bank. In the US, we get a limit by Plaid, so we try to refresh their data still 4 times a day.

Ah. That means mine has never been working as intended then. Mine only updates once a day even if I try to manual refresh it…

Even now it shows the last refresh was 16 hours ago.


we are limited by Plaid which is the biggest provider of connections in the US, so every app has pretty much the same update time.

Not sure I understand. You’re saying it should be updating 4 times a day correct? I’m saying mine only updates once a day, never more than that. What does that mean? Is there something I can do to fix that?

Where are you based?

I’m in the USA.

We use a queue system the prioritieses Pro users, so times are not fixed and might vary a bit, but definitely we have given much higher priority on Pro.


in the US, we can’t accelerate syncing unfortunately.

Our provider has full control over it.

Are you saying we only get one sync per day in the USA?

Yes, unfortunately.