Transactions not appearing under recent

Just wondered if anyone else has also experienced this bug? Had it for a few months now. Certain merchants don’t appear under recent transactions, but do still appear categorised under analytics. Happens with every transaction from particular merchants only, including while pending.

Doesn’t make a difference if I exclude the transaction then reinclude under a different category, I can’t seem to get them appear under recent.

I use the recent feed to correct any categorisations and to quickly glance at where I’ve recently spent, so would be great to have this working properly.

Did message help a few weeks ago but looks like it’s not fixed yet.

Hey @tom11 :wave:

Thanks for reporting this - unfortunately, this is a known bug that is on our to-fix list. Hopefully we’ll have something sorted soon :blush:

@edoardomoreni/ @antonio

Still having this issue annoyingly :slightly_frowning_face:. Any eta on a fix?

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Hey @tom11 :wave:

Just to clarify when you say recent transactions, do you mean transactions under ‘Recent Transactions’ or under your ‘Weekly Spending’, or both?

Hi Joel. So the transaction is not in the feed under recent transactions, but then is in analytics if you hunt for it in the correct category.

Weirdly, under the merchant tab of analytics if I click on the merchant it says ‘there are no transactions’

So not sure what’s going on!

Thanks for that. Do you also see these transactions underneath in your Weekly Spend list?

Nope, I don’t. Only can see them in analytics

Thanks for that info @tom11.

I’ll check back in with the team about this issue

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Hi @tom11,

Really sorry for the long wait on this. Just wondering what merchants you’ve found that have this problem? If we could get a couple of examples it will make it much easier to work out whats going wrong.

Thanks so much,

Hi Varadh thanks for the reply! I’ve found it only happens with certain merchants in certain custom categories (last one I noticed was Amazon) so I’ve deleted + re-created my custom categories to see if this fixes. If not, will let you know!

Hi @tom11,
We did fix something which could be responsible for your issue, so hopefully you don’t have that problem anymore. :crossed_fingers:t5:
Let us know if its fixed!

Ivhave been facing the same issue over the past couple of months too. Transactions from past month is showing up in the current month. And current month transaction is not showing up at all. Have to keep exiting the app and coming back multiple times, and if I’m lucky then only it will appear. Raise it to support but still haven’t been fixed until now.

Hey @estera

So on the analytics tab, all the info for this month is from transactions from May, not June?