Should Farmers Pay Inheritance Tax?

It’s been all over the news recently, what do you all think?

Is it fair that they should pay the tax, or should they be exempt?

Let me know your thoughts!

Yes 100% everyone should be treated the same, less exceptions means less loopholes for ultra wealthy to park cash.

It’s tough cause yes it’s abused as a loophole. But for regular farmers who don’t have much cash available it would force them to sell their farms no?

If less rich people buy farms to park cash, price of farmland goes down meaning less inheritance tax to pay as the value of the farm is less. Also it is simply the same if u had a parent who had a company and wanted to pass it down why is that any different to farming both are businesses and still plenty of ways to pass ownership across and not pay inheritance

This still feels like another issue where the farmers get punished for the ultra wealthy’s decisions. There must be a better solution here