With the announcement of ios 16 would we be able to see any of the new features being used or integrated into emma
I would love that too, I can imagine many different versions of Emma widgets including as complications on the Lock Screen!
I agree exporting the ring bars for budgets or analytics would be great to look at on my watch. Or any sort of widget would be great
We had some plans to implement widgets (iOS/Android), so we can defo have a look. Any other ideas?
Other ideas
Net worth widget
Recent transactions widget
Days left until payday widget
Money left in budget widget
Analytics widget
Investments widget
Just off the top of my head those would be really nice, Apple Watch support would be great too obviously scaling any of those to the watch would be amazing.
When will widgets be introduced?
Any updates on iOS widgets?
Hey Grant we’re hoping to have that finalised and ready to launch soon!
Hi Ainsley, how’s this coming along? Any release dates you can share?
Would be great to hear an update.
Seeing as IOS 17 is nearly out I have low hopes
I can’t see the way widgets work being overhauled between iOS 16 and 17 though, so hopefully any progress made can still be used.
Saying that, I’m not a developer so maybe I’m completely wrong.
@ainsley.bilton anything you can share with us?
No release date yet but this is still in the works! What exactly is it you guys would want from this feature?
Budgets and data on a widget for my home screen the modules that are on the wmma Home Screen would be perfect already
Didn’t someone do a mock up of some Emma widgets a while back?
EDIT: Found them
At a high level, overall budget and bank balances on a widget would be perfect. Daily allowance also maybe.
Interesting! Do you have a preferance among those mock ups?
This is good input I’ll pass it along to the team
All of them?