Important Financial Numbers

We’ve been thinking about the big personal finance numbers that everyone should know and the numbers that people might want to track. Like…

  • After tax-income
  • Monthly expenses
  • Total debt (combined and for individual loans)
  • Net worth
  • Credit score
  • Interest rates

Are there any other numbers that you make an effort to keep on top of / track each month?

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For the self-employed, outstanding tax/payments on account!

Hadn’t thought about this!

How do you keep track of this number?

Income minus expenses so far, divided by days so far, multiplied by days of year, multiplied by whatever I think my total self-assessment charge will be as a percentage (usually 30% - which is above what it normally comes in at), minus any payments on account


Do you use Emma to help with this/ do you think there’s anything we could add to help?

Similar to how we added the net worth calc?

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How much is in my savings accounts, especially my emergency fund. The amount I save each month can differ and savings might grow at different rates.

Something like income, expenses and estimated nominal tax rate would be handy

Maybe cash flow?

Ah yes, this is another great number to track - gives you some peace of mind if you know exactly how much you’ve got!