How many "Bank Logins" do you have on Emma?

Yeah it’s true I think I need to develop that attitude! Although I do get the feeling that when I start talking about ways to save money my bf/friends/family look at me like SHUT UP haha

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Well, it is a bit of work initially, but then it’s easy once they’re linked to Emma.

One more example - kids saver accounts.

You can open 2 of these each, 2% interest on up to 5k in each account, with Halifax, Lloyds and Bank of Scotland.

That means 30k at 2% interest with easy access.

Only the first £100 in interest is covered by the child’s savings allowance, but that’s still pretty good.

Plus, if you’re like me and have large fluctuations in cash because of irregular income, it’s perfect to have so much savings capacity.

And it’s very easy to track with Emma…


6, although I have 4 Starling accounts (incl goals) and 3 Revolut (GBP/EUR/USD). 1 HSBC account

Freetrade integration would be nice as well because they’re the people I hold my investments with.

It would be great if you could support Revolut Wealth off the bat (reach out to them now if possible as it’s scheduled publicly to be soon!) as I’ll probably be moving my investments to them as I need them to be portable to the US

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I have 8. I’ve Monzo, Coinbase, Chase, PayPal X3 (Closes NO account, New NO account, US account), Revolut and American Express.

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