Some companies (eg spending on Amazon) don’t always fit into the same category. Would it be possible to have a category called something like “not yet defined” which is defaults certain companies to. User could then be prompted with something like “you have 5 transactions that still need to be allocated”.
Hey Niel,
thanks for posting. This is a great idea!
The review system is something we have been thinking about, cause it puts people in the habit of reviewing and coming back to the app.
For the category, I think General is great; but in this particular case, I’d still make Emma assign a category and then tell you to review it.
What do you think?
Thanks for this. I personally wouldn’t mind what the category was but it’d be good to
have some transactions attributed to this category (so I’d put my Amazon spend there as it could be for anything )
have Emma remind users tbat “there are 10 transactions under category XXX that you still need to classify”
Otherwise they just get set to the category that I last used for an Amazon spend and that may well not be right
We were playing around with a screen that looked like this a while ago. The little bell at the top was going to be a notifications screen - it could be perfect for reminding users that are some transactions that need to reviewed?
That woild work definitely !
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