Dark (Night) Mode

Deal. :sunglasses:

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We have been a bit slow about this because a) only recently we have added a design team b) we are redesigning the app entirely, so we are giving priority to this first and then dark mode.

Cool, can’t wait to see the redesign! Is there a roadmap/timeline where we can see whats upcoming and whats being worked on?

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Yes, of course: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

We are testing a few screens: https://twitter.com/edoardomoreni/status/1448934665981677568


Nice! :grinning: It’s so easy for startups to get up and running without a design department but it’s great to know you’ve know got that in place. :+1:

Even Monzo have enabled this now. Truly the last app to enable dark mode.

We should be able to release this in Q1


Any update on this?

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Yes, the mobile team is now big enough to take this. I don’t want to put a date on it, but at some point in the summer they can potentially make it.


Yay thank you!

This is coming in August. :fire:


Good to hear.

Will this be a manual switch toggle or will it match system (OS) preferences?

It will match :slight_smile:

I think we can make a toggle available in settings too


We are accelerating on this, so I can say with 100% guarantee this is out in August (hopefully the first weeks).

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Dark mode will be live in August: https://twitter.com/edoardomoreni/status/1555525760017960961


Start, middle or end?

If not next week, the following

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This is live on Android beta.

It will be out on iOS at some point next week. :slight_smile:


Dark mode works great! No issues so far. The dark background meshes incredibly well with the UI design and the colors. I love that it’s a darkish purple rather than dark gray/black. Good choice

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