I am all in for Cleo.
Tink is also available in beta for Norwegian banks, but it is not really working. For the past few months the only way to update account are to re-add them. I’ve reported the issue months ago and they are aware of it, but have yet to fix it. Might delete the app soon.
In the past I used Mint.com to track my American Chase account, but I’ve now moved to Emma.
Yes, they are not building an app.
They are just using people’s data to build products for banks.
Will check out Spendee, haven’t heard of that one!
Otherwise I’m an avid YNAB user and have found it invaluable at changing my relationship with money.
Emma is superior to Yolt. I found Yolt slow and it struggled with pending transactions. They appear and disappear like a nun on a zebra crossing.
I budget via a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet and use Emma to track against it. Every month I set a new budget in the Excel and then update the monthly budget in Emma.
Pending transactions are a though one for everyone. For example, we don’t allow editing, but have some ideas on how to improve this. We should make it work very soon!
Hey @Jonny1623
Can you explain what you would like to see?
Does Emma work this out?
@VaradhK worked a lot on this to make it work really really well.
Yes, this is true. They don’t sync budgets to payday. eheheh
You can login to Emma on two devices as long as you use the same phone number to sign in
Anyone up for trying giffgaff gameplan?
I’ve just learned about Spendee and was pleasently surprised to see that they do not only support Chase, Coinbase, PayPal and Revolut like Emma, but they also support my Norwegian bank. They also offer option for custom accounts and and have a web interface. I’ll defintely try out the 7 day free trial.
It would be good to see Emma introduce a website interface.
It defintely would be. I think I remember @edoardomoreni saying they would try to get it done by the end of 2019. So, we must have patience. In regards to Norwegian accounts, they have said they are working on reaching all English speaking countries by the end of 2019. So I’ve ruled that out, even with the introduction of PSD2 unfortunately.
My hope is that they will start working at it in 2020. My Norweigan bank has already created an open API, which is in use in apps such as Tink or Spiir. Spiir supports a wide range of Norwegian banks and have said they are working on Spiir, so that’s interesting.
EDIT: I’ve tried out Spendee for a few minutes now. I’ve to say I do like the interface of Emma better and I find it easier to navigate and use. I also like that Emma allows you to add notes to a transaction. Spendee let’s you add notes and tags, but it is together with the merchant name and do look messy. However, the option to create custom accounts (in custom currencies with custom transactions), the option to delete/rename standard categories, a web interface and support for Norwegian bank acccounts intrigues me.
I was also able to add my Norwegian American Express to Spandee by clicking «United States» and «American Express». This works with Emma too. The card shows up as a USD card in both apps, but in Spendee my transactions actually shows up as NOK transactions, while Emma takes the NOK transactions and replaces the currency. Which means if I spend 100 NOK, Emma thinks I’ve spent 100 USD (100 NOK is 11.66 USD)
Its nice to feel appreciated
Yes, we are doing this for many reasons.
It’s not in our short term plans, but that’s more a “resources” / “timing” issue, which we should be able to solve soon.
Is that their only feature for 2019?