Average Brit spends £620 a year on sign-up services

New research from Barclaycard has found that 81% of UK households are signed up to at least one subscription, rising from 65% last year.

Entertainment services were the most popular type of subscription, followed by food boxes and then tech.

The research found that the average Brit spends £620 a year on sign-up services!

Do you know how many different subscriptions you’re signed up to?

This sounds like an awful lot of money. no wonder everybody wants to get subscriptions going… lucrative business :joy:

I have four subscriptions… Prime (annual subscription) Google Storage (switched from monthly to annual payment), and two monthly ones: Which?!, and Healthy Pet club for the kitties (gets them spot-on treatments and, in theory, twice yearly check-ups).

I had bought a 5-year VPN subscription a few years ago and count this just as a one off, although will renew when the time comes.

People still pay for Which? Their stuff has become such drivel recently

Yeah so that’s about £50 a month on subscriptions?

There are so many interesting subscription services these days that I can see how this could easily add up…

What is the Which? thing - a magazine subscription?

‘Consumer rights advocacy’ but they also campaign for cash for some reason, arguing no cash excludes disabled people

They have some anecdotes about how Jim, John and Susan can’t use card but they’ve actually not addressed why they can’t use card. Pretty sure they’re likely in receipt of some welfare and I believe that’s probably paid into a bank account where they withdraw cash, so they clearly can use card to some extent. This kind of undermines their argument, tbh

I used to be someone who’d sign up for free trials and forget to cancel in time so I’d be charged. To stop all of that, I either:

• Set an alarm in my calendar a day before the free trial ends to remind me to cancel it
• Cancel as soon as I sign up - Most (but not every) platforms will allow you to cancel as soon as you start the free trial and still be able to use the free trial until the end of that period

Works a treat!