Analytics pay period summary wrong

Hi guys —

I just noticed this morning on the analytics page in the circle at the top it says I’m in a negative balance, something like -£800 left of £2000 (not actual figures) but scrolling down to the income section, the total income is £4000 (again, not actual figure).

On the main feed however, the ‘This Pay Period’ card shows the correct information, with the positive balance that is left out of the total income.

I tried adding up numbers to see where this lower income amount is coming from on the analytics page, and it seems to be the sum of all incomes except my main income.

I noticed even though the ‘Income’ category says the full income value, when I open it up to see the individual transactions my main income is excluded from the total shown at the top of the category page, above the graph.

I hope this all makes sense, but if needed I am happy to provide screenshots privately to illustrate the issue


Hi @fruitshakes, we can definitely check this.

We have just noticed there is a difference between the Analytics and Feed page due to a change we have recently made.

ps: we are fixing this now.

The number should be: total income - committed spending - spending.

Awesome, thanks for looking into this :slight_smile:

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No problem, we made a big change to incorporate the ability to support multiple timezones in Emma; but this broke a few things.

We are looking at this as I am typing; so we should be able to fix right away. :slight_smile:

It should be fixed now.

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It is, thank you for the quick action :open_mouth:

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Yai! Thanks for reporting. :wink: