Who spends more: women or men?

Hey folks!

A quick question to gather your opinions: Who spends more, women or men?

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Hey, glad to see you in our community!

I mean, that’s an interesting perspective. I would say the difference in how men and women are marketed in terms of spending habits is huge.

What do you think women spend the most on?

Yeah, we have been interviewing people with this question recently, and most of them are proving the same point. :grin:

It depends what you mean by “spend”.
It’s generally accepted that women handle more of the household budget, but whether they spend more “on themselves” is less clear.

Lots of purchases also fall in the grey area between shared purchases and personal choices. Such as a couple agreeing they want to buy a car, but one partner willing to spend much more on it than the other.

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Yeah, totally get what you mean! It’s interesting how some purchases blur the lines between shared decisions and personal choices. It’s all about finding that balance :raised_hands: