When you're thinking about investing

When you’re thinking about investing, what are the main things you’d take into consideration?

Do you have an investment plan, or do you just go for it? And how do you decide how much to invest?

The only area I have ever really considered investing in is an S&S ISA, for a minimum term of 10 years, however, have still not had the bottle to do so.

I am not a great risk taker or gambler. I do not even do the lottery.

The thought of my capital investment going down, after all the years savings to get it, just prevent me from taking the plunge.

At the height of the bitcoin increases, I invested £100, just to test the water.

As stated in the above sentence, it turned out to be at the height, and I cashed in 15 months later for just over a tenner!!!

In 2008, I secured a seven year fixed rate mortgage at 5.39%. I thought that the security of knowing my exact payments for seven years was a win-win. Then the markets crashed and mortgages were being toddled out at a fraction of that. Told myself that the extra was like an insurance premium, just to pacify my inner self :man_shrugging:

As they say, you need to “speculate to accumulate”. It’s just not for me.

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Aghh annoying! And to think it could have been a completely different story if you’d invested even a few months earlier?! :see_no_evil:

Retiring at 55 - love that goal! :raised_hands:

So each month do you keep re-investing in the same companies, or would you look for new areas?

@Pa.ul you mentioned above that you cashed your bitcoin in after 15 months - how do you both decide when is the best time to get rid?

If only you kept hold of it.
I had £60 from back in 2017 now worth £800ish. Wish I bought so much more tbh.

No way!!! :cry:

Value was dwindling and did not wish to complicate the financial matters of my divorce with bitcoin finance :grin: :man_shrugging:

I love how it is also another one of those “investments” where if you lose the government say “Tough!”, but if you are fortunate enough to succeed, they say, “We’ll have a slice of those profits. Cheers :+1:

Mad world of speculation and taxes.

Achieved! :grinning:

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That’s amazing!!

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