Team Interview With Andrew

Afternoon everyone!

Next in our series of team interviews, we have Andrew - Emma’s Senior Software Engineer.

Here’s a little snippet of the interview which I loved: “I’m a snowboarder in my heart and a Software Engineer in my mind” :joy:

Find out what kind of thing Andrew is working on, as well as what he loves most about Emma!


And if you’ve got any questions for Andrew, drop them in the comments below!

Well, in these circumstances :rofl: I would prefer unlimited tacos with :fire: sauce

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Haha. Please, be my :taco: for the rest of the life

A good read, however, another employee who can talk a complete foreign language to me, this time computer language :rofl:

Last one was cryptocurrency :man_facepalming:

Knowledge is power :rocket:

Hahah maybe we can write a couple of blog posts on it - a glossary of computer/ crypto terms!

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It would keep you busy @rebekah :rofl:

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