Lumio app: an Emma knock-off?

Hi team :blush:
By chance I came across the Lumio app…it looks like an Emma clone (or is Emma a clone of Lumio? Though I doubt the latter :rofl:).

No tried this myself, but was just a bit stunned at the similarities.


I have it, like any other app. :sweat_smile:

The app is a bit slow because it sits in a webview. They have been trying to do this for a few years and I am not totally sure how long it will last for, but I am really bias. ehhe

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Fair enough…thanks for the swift response, Edoardo :grin:

There is someone in the Monzo community that suggested they supported pending transactions, so we all started using it to see how; but it doesn’t look to be the case.

Downloads on Google Play Store

Lumio 1k+
Snoop 550k+
Emma 100k+
Money Dashboard Neon 50k+
Ynab 1M+

It will look different on Apple (maybe someone can look?), but Lumio hasn’t got any real traction yet

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