Emma TestFlight

What’s new in 3.3.7?

The less said about those release notes the better :rofl:

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I had previously tested Emma betas but was told it’s no longer possible as they choose to just release regularly.

Is there anyway to get back involved in beta testing via TestFlight? @edoardomoreni

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I’ve been using the App store version for months, but got a (TestFlight) notification and email for a new TestFlight version today :man_shrugging:

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Seems mine was there, I just didn’t get notified ha ha. It’s old, there’s been a few releases since then :slight_smile:

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You mean the App Store releases?

Latest app store release has a lower version number and was released 3 weeks ago

Yes, this was probably the release test candidate for the latest App Store version I guess.

I need to clean up TestFlight! Too many apps.

Sorry guys, this was a mistake. We are shutting it down. :slight_smile:

How do I get back onto the App store version?

I’ve deleted the Testflight version and now installed from the app store again. But the Emma app is still reporting the version number as 3.3.7 (TestFlight version number) instead of App store version number (3.2.6)

I would just update the app store and you are good to go. :slight_smile:

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I already did that and the version number shown in the app still matches the TestFlight version number rather than the app store version number