Bug with quiz on Android (Beta)


For a second week, I’ve encountered a bug where the quiz screen disappears just after showing the first question.

When trying to retake the quiz from the dashboard, it says I’ve already failed and can’t take it again.

This is on Google Pixel 4XL, running the beta build.

Based on my past quiz performance, I don’t think this is realistically affecting my chances of getting all 5 answers :joy: However, wanted to let you know so it can be fixed for the production release.

Heyyy @cblunt :wave:

Thanks for letting us know about this! I’ll mention it to the rest of the team and see if they can work out why this has happened!

Maybe next week you will get all 5 questions right :laughing::laughing:

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Thanks for reporting this, we are checking. :slight_smile:

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