Investing Guide

Heeyy :wave:

Just published on the Emma blog is a super guide to investing.

We’ve looked at the different types of investing, how you can invest, and a couple of things you need to consider before you start investing :chart_with_upwards_trend:

You can read the article here:

What’s been your most successful investment? Are there any investments that you sold way too early?


Well done, comprehensive!

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Thanks, @rebekah very informative yet jargon-free guide to investing! I came across this article after reading yours -

Interesting starters guide to investing.

Best investment so far is in yourself :crazy_face:

Thanks @RickySerhant!

We’ve got a few more investing guides planned for the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes peeled :eyes:

Also I do really agree with this :joy: Never stop learning etc etc :grinning:

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