How does everyone mark their expenses?

Expanding on the Monzo point - Marking in Monzo has a couple of benefits 1) They know your location when the purchase happens and 2) you get an alert so you can easily mark an app as expenses. Monzo need to open the API to include categories for Emma to stand a chance of syncing it though. Right now, in order to make Emma work I’m going to have to manually exclude all expense transactions by the look of it.

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If you make a custom category you can do all your expenses that way - edit 3x and they should automatically categorize int he future

Can I also exclude that category from analytics though? I don’t want the expenses i get paid back to count as income for example.

Honestly couldn’t tell you - alternatively you could exclude them and just tag them all with #expense (not sure if these carry but it’d be a shocker if they didn’t considering Emma auto tag my shit without even asking me once)

That is what I end up doing, just takes a while to track them all down.

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Would love to see exclude category from analytics as a function. I’m someone who frequently prepay the entire group expense when traveling with friends and later get it back from each of them. Currently I set up a category under each friend’s name and split the transaction into each category, later use friends’ repayment to offset the debit balance in each friend’s name category. This way I can see who owe me how much and if they paid me back or not easily :wink: but as u can imagine these number skew my spending analytic greatly and make my budget setting pointless. I imagine this function would be useful for claim back business expense too?

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I would also like to link an account to a category!